Judges Comments:
Judged by Gerd Bleicher & Kevin O’CallaghanGerd Bleicher stated he was very pleased Australia separated the Normal Spangles from the Spangle Any Other Varieties as he believed it gave both varieties a fairer chance as well as giving a fairer chance to the judges: Rod Turnbull & Roy Blair
An interesting class as the Spangle variety requirements are not there in numbers. This variety requires wing markings and spots.
First owned by Rowe Brothers Troy Family (VicNSW) is a Spangle Cinnamon Greygreen cock with good size, length, shoulder width and wide face. Good variety markings but slightly more back skull is wantedsuper big strong, solid Opaline Cinnamon that selected himself. He went straight to the front and was never challenged. He has a lovely face and just a super bird.
Second owned by Cedric D’Costa (Sth QldMatthew Hollyoak (NSW) is a Spangle Cinnamon Grey Cock which is well proportioned but less showmanship. Lovely face with very good width and height and good variety markings.
Third owned by Jeff Leong (Vic) Cinnamon Greygreen Cock with good body and top end but missing balance between body and tail as tail appears to be slightly to long. Good shoulder width and top end. Variety markings are fine.
Fourth owned by Demarti & Scott (WA) is a Cinnamon Violet Hen which is a good overall bird but not coming up to the quality of the top three. Very good variety and markings.
The bird that ran in 8th position belonging to J Wilson (Vic) is a top bird but was penalised due to heavy flecking. If it had a clean cap, it would have run it the top three.
In Europe we do not tolerate flecking and this bird would have been placed last.
Opaline and again a big strong, clean bird with a nice soft face but is lacking spots.
Third bird owned by Cedric D’Costa (SQ) is a lovely Spangle Cinnamon Hen with good strength off the perch, good spots and light markings.